by Beth Shaw | Sep 7, 2016 | d.r. blog
Well, the time has come! Saturday will be my first triathlon over a sprint distance since 2014. Yowza. It’s a good thing I’m heading to Alabama early Friday so I can check the area out and prepare for the Brett Robinson Alabama Coastal Triathlon....
by Beth Shaw | Sep 6, 2016 | d.r. blog
This will be the last round of “last week’s workouts” until my next real training cycle starts again. I hope it’s been moderately enjoyable to read. Ha! I am happy with how I’ve increased my fitness and really tried to nail my workouts...
by Beth Shaw | Sep 2, 2016 | d.r. blog
It’s safe to say that August was a big month of triathlon training. I hit it pretty hard to get back in bike shape and I’m really looking forward to a great race this month. My running mileage took a hit, but that’s to be expected with the additional...
by Beth Shaw | Sep 1, 2016 | d.r. blog
Ya’ll know that I am basically up for anything when it comes to fitness. I will try any workout offered and while I’ve found some that didn’t quite fit with my training or lifestyle (prancercise was a bust), I’ve found many others that I would...
by Beth Shaw | Aug 29, 2016 | d.r. blog
Happy Monday! In looking over last week’s workouts, I can say it was a BIG week. I had a ten hour training week and I’ll admit that I am pretty spent this morning. I took a rest day and slept in. I’m looking forward to the two week of training before...
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