Thankful Thursday

I am really looking forward to marathon training and I’m not sure why because there are some things that really stink while training for the marathon. And there is some stuff that totally blows while running the marathon itself.Obviously, the finish is what...
Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

My nephews, Wesley and Bruiser. (Sorry the photo quality is not so great. These two hate to sit still unless sleeping and a cell phone camera isn’t the best thing to use for Wordless Wednesday.)
Obligatory Summer is Hot for Running Post

Obligatory Summer is Hot for Running Post

Guess what? It’s official. It’s the summer. And you know how I know? My calendar says so. Even though it’s pretty much been summer here in Florida since oh, I dunno, April, the highfalutin calendar says today is actually the first day of summer so...
Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind

Hola mi amigos! I hope you all had lovely weekends. Mine was pure bliss. As I mentioned before I had a fairly low key weekend planned and this made me very excited because it’s becoming a rare occurrence in my life. My roommate always says that he doesn’t...

A little funny for your Friday…

TGIF my peoples! I am super excited for the weekend and I don’t really have anything planned! Yay! This weekend will be about getting some good, solid workouts in and just recuperating. I need to do some laundry and run a few errands since I’ve neglected...
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Today’s Thankful Thursday brought to you by…All Over the Place Blogging. When you just can’t find a good theme, go with All Over the Place Blogging©.Yeah, this image just felt right today. Heh.Anywho….I swear, thanks to this blog I keep meeting...