Marathon Thoughts

I forgot how hard marathon training is. I’m pretty freakin tired right now and I’m only 18 weeks out. Yikes. I know that at some point the training will click and I’ll still be tired but the early morning runs and weekend long runs will become more...
Courage to Tri Race Report

Courage to Tri Race Report

On Saturday I raced a sprint triathlon in my hood and while it wasn’t my best race, I did have fun time racing with friends so close to home. I didn’t have time to get to packet pick up during the week and since the race was so close, I opted to pick up my...
Friday Fun & Brew Over Ice Giveaway Winner

Friday Fun & Brew Over Ice Giveaway Winner

Happy Friday peeps! I’m looking forward to a tough weekend of workouts. Before I get into all that, I will announce the winner of the Brew Over Ice Giveaway. From the old school but always loved, it pulled up:   And the tenth commentor was...

How to Run Faster

I’ve aked this question before, read it multiple times on the interwebs, and been asked it more than a few times:  How do I get faster? While I am certainly no speed demon, I have gotten faster over my years of running. I started as an over five hour...

Swimming Tips and Tricks: Part II

We went over pool etiquette and gear in Part I. In Part II we’ll go over some form and technique tips and tricks and some for dealing with the craziness of open water swimming during a race. Again, as I mentioned in Part I, I’m not a certified swim coach....
Brew Over Ice Review and Giveaway

Brew Over Ice Review and Giveaway

One of the best things about blogging is the ability to write reviews on new products. Of course, as I have mentioned before, I review products honestly and swear if I didn’t like something I’d tell you.  Disclosure: I filled out a form to get a...