Dolly and B.o.B.: Together Again

This weekend was a full on blast. I love-love-love the week after a marathon because I’m basically a sloth with a penchant for a nice glass of wine, perhaps a beer or two, and the most delicious foods I can get my hands on. Now don’t get me wrong, I got in...
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Happy Groundhog Day people! I love Groundhog Day. Mostly because I love the movie and Bill Murray. Bing! I saw that the groundhog predicted 6 more week’s of winter but I don’t think that includes Florida. I’m pretty sure we’re an exempt state....
Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

One Man’s Obsession, Lazy Runner, me, and Cuban Running CrisisHollster, me, The Full Mary Winner Samuel Kipkosgei Malakwen of Kenya (ran a 2:16!), and P-Funk My running buds.

Miami Marathon Recap

I believe some of you know that Sunday was not exactly the race I had planned and trained for. I also think some of you already know that I’m actually A-OK with how everything went down. As I said on the DR FB page, sometimes in the marathon, finishing is...

Thanks & Goals

First let me start by saying a huge THANK YOU to those of you have sent me texts, emails, FB messages, well-wishing blog posts, and any other method of communicating good luck. It means a lot and I really hope I can be the support to you all that you have been to me....


I wasn’t going to post this video but it seemed serendipitous when it came on the radio this morning on my way to work.