I Tried Float Therapy. Here’s a Review!

I Tried Float Therapy. Here’s a Review!

I’ve always been a water baby. I can’t remember not knowing how to swim. I never had actual learn-to-swim-lessons even though I do remember my mom telling me to, “kick, kick, kick.” Being a Floridian, it’s a prerequisite that you learn to...
The Coach’s Pet

The Coach’s Pet

A while ago, when I started training with Coach Jon and the Tribal athletes I realized I had joined a group of badasses. I definitely started feeling overwhelmed and under-amazing. I just made that word up. Anyway, I would see this group of folks crush races and push...
June Stats/Recap

June Stats/Recap

If I’m being truly honest, I’m happy to see June go bye-bye-bye. It ain’t no lie. Sorry. Had. To. I just had a sorta “meh” June. I couldn’t quite get myself to normal levels of motivation. As Coach Mason mentioned in her blog, we...


Ya’ll. I’ve been slacking may-jah on the blog lately. I have the usual excuses, work, training, coaching, being a model, etc. Wait. What? Oh yeah! Last night I got to be a model for Milestones Sports Jewelry & Apparel. It was so much fun! They asked if...
Moon Over Croom 7 Mile Night Trail Race

Moon Over Croom 7 Mile Night Trail Race

On Saturday I ran my second trail race ever. And it was in the dark. And guess what? I loved it! I had signed up for this event thinking I would be running by myself but I was happily surprised when my friend Caitlin from Fit and Feminist and her husband Brian also...