I Now Know Everything.

I Now Know Everything.

Tada!     I did it! I got my Level 1 USATF coaching certificate. So now it’s officially, official. I know everything! Kidding. I know a lot more than I did and I’ll fill you all in on this course and why I think it’s beneficial.  ...
Resolutions, Schmesolutions.

Resolutions, Schmesolutions.

Hello & Happy New Year again! I know we are all back to the grind and struggling through the first week back to work. I was especially tired after the two days of USATF Level One Coaching Certification class I attended on Saturday and Sunday. More on that later....

December Stats/Recap

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Before I get to my New Year’s post, I have to do my December recap. Don’t want to put the cart before  the horse and all that. Plus, I know you all have hangovers and aren’t reading this one anyway. Har har. Run 131 miles....

New Year, New Coach

Ok so it’s not the New Year just yet, but I figured I would go ahead and share this news with you all. Guess what? I got a new coach!   Yes, I’ve switched coaches. Again. And before I get into why I’ve switched, I’ll tell you why I have a...


Taking a page out of Erin’s book, I figured a “currently” post is fitting for this hodgepodge of updates I’m going to write about.   To start, MERRY CHRISTMAS! And Happy Chanukah! And Happy Kwanza! And everything else that happens this...