Goodbye to Gu

“Guess it’s better to say goodbye to you.” -Patti SmythHowever, in my version it’s become, “Goodbye to Gu.”If you look at my header photo you’ll see my beloved Gu in the mix of all things this discombobulated runner loves. And...
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

So I clearly haven’t posted in a hot minute.But you know I’ve been busy unpacking, decorating and not getting murdered by the cable guy. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t have a butt load of things to be thankful for. And you know what...
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Last week while wasting many hours innocently perusing Pinterest I came across the hilarious image below:I wanted to find it to show you all today but I was having some trouble so I did what most of us usually do to find images on the web. I searched the hell out of a...

Keep it moving

Since I’m all relocated and such I’m enjoying my new digs. I have run three times on the lovely Bayshore and got to see a dolphin this morning. He must have showed up on porpoise! Waka waka!Terrible jokes aside, I’ve been going through the motions...

The Move and a tough 16

Did anyone notice a weekend cause I’m pretty sure I completely missed mine. I took Friday off of work to pack and then proceeded to move all of my stuff on Saturday and Sunday. Thanks so much to my buddies that came out to help. For the most part everything went...