Packed weekend recap

Boy, what a crazy weekend I had! It was crazy fun, but I’m totally zonked today. Let’s recap shall we? Friday night I headed to the YMCA for a swim and got about 30 minutes in. I was just swimming for time to try and build up my endurance. It was pretty...
Excuses, excuses

Excuses, excuses

Funny how this blog post title came to mind before even the content did. Yesterday was my attempt at a spin class in the morning and then track (speed work) in the evening. The spin class went great! I was a spinning machine, a veritable leg churning monster. Hell, I...

Thankful Thursday

On my quest to become a cyclist, or at least someone who doesn’t fall off the bicycle repeatedly, I have started using an indoor bicycle trainer with Dolly and taking more spinning classes. In doing so I’ve sort of re-found music while working out.As a...

Fat girl in a little wetsuit

Today I again asked myself what in God’s name I was thinking when I signed up for this next triathlon. This question came as I attempted to pull up a wetsuit that had me all kinds of Chris Farley (RIP) in it. I assume it was just too small because my legs felt...
Bye bye shark horn

Bye bye shark horn

Yesterday was a bittersweet day for B.o.B.B.o.b had to say goodbye to a friend…ah the memories of our time spent together will always be cherished. Here’s a look back at one of those happier times…. Ah the moments we shared with the best shark horn...
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Since I’ve been moaning about my lack of races coming up and getting all cracked out about it like Charlie Sheen, Jason over at Cook Train Eat Race sent me a very cool link to a virtual race. This race is dubbed The Cupcake Marathon and with a name like that I...