Bring on the Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches

Bring on the Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches

You remember that part in Pulp Fiction where Mia Wallace is all, Well, I’m an Elvis people.   I’ve always loved Elvis. I remember hearing him as a child and always loving his voice. I’m sure I saw some of those old movies from the 60’s...
I heart finish lines

I heart finish lines

You know how some days you feel all… Well, today is NOT that day! It’s National Running Day! Just in case you weren’t made aware already by your thousands of running dork friends and bloggers. Like me!   So get out there today and run a little...

May Stats/Recap

Holy cow, it’s June. That means I’ve only got four months until Ironman Chattanooga. Yowza! I had a pretty good weekend of workouts and got in both a long run and a long ride. I’m pooped as I type this from the couch on Sunday evening, so I can only...
Not doing is underrated

Not doing is underrated

Lloyd here. Typing is hard with paws, so if there are any typos…I don’t care. Alos, any misspellings are because I am a dog. And I also don’t care. I’m old and tired. Sue me. Rockin’ my summer ‘do. I’ve been with Mom for 13...

Why I chose Ironman Chattanooga

Oh hi there. I’m back from a few days of feeling very tired. I think that Miami heat melted my brain and sucked a lot more out of me than I had anticipated. As much as I wanted to keep up my mileage through the fatigue, with some recovery of...