The Wisdom of Rappers: Part II

A few years ago I wrote a post called The Wisdom of Rappers. I stumbled upon it yesterday and found myelf thinking just how smart those hip hop men and women are. It’s not easy rhyming things with “chedda” and “wangster.” I have always...
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

In lieu of yesterday’s memorials and a book I just finished reading, I felt compelled to write a Thankful Thursday. I used to write this post every Thursday but when I revamped the blog I decided not to keep it up. However, I’m feeling very thankful and...

Never Forget

Today we remember those who lost their lives at the hands of madmen. We are still a nation who stands together even when we disagree. Instead of posting a photo, I’d like to send you over to CNN’s archived memorial site. There’s a list of those who...
In case you missed it….

In case you missed it….

I did this on Wednesday… In case you can’t read that. I registered for my first full Ironman. I decided to go with Chattanooga for a few different reasons. In fact, I made a speadsheet to decide between Chattanooga and Florida. I was initially going to...
August Recap/Stats (Shameless Format Theft)

August Recap/Stats (Shameless Format Theft)

Happy September! I’m so sad the summer is leaving us. I love long days and wearing flip flops everywhere. I’m sad to see the summer end but of course, as a runner, I’m looking very forward to cooler running temps. I never do a monthly recap but I...
Friday Confessions

Friday Confessions

Hallelujah for Friday! Every week my runs get longer and every week I look forward to my Friday rest day. I mean, I’m also excited that it’s the last day of the work week but mostly it’s because my legs are shot. And yeah, I’ll probably keep up...