The Best Damn TV Commercial

The Best Damn TV Commercial

As I mentioned, I took part in shooting the television commercial for the Best Damn Race. A few bloggers and I were available to shoot the commercial on Saturday morning and we had a total blast. I’m sure this will lead to my big break and I’ll start...
Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday friends! I hope you all had lovely weekends. Congrats to all of the ladies who kicked major butt at the Women’s Half Marathon in St. Pete. I am reading the recaps as time allows and I’m bummed I didn’t get to run with you all. HUGE...

Friday Funnies

First off, I must apologize for that horrific video I posted yesterday. You can blame Good Morning America for showing it to me and you can blame Rebecca Black for starting a trend of bad youtube music videos made by tweens. Speaking of videos, as I was perusing...

Thankful Thursday

I joined a track group in my neck of the woods right before I ran the Miami Marathon in January. This weekly track group and workouts are coached by a man named Dror Vaknin who is the coach of the local college track team. He’s been featured in...
Tuesday Truths

Tuesday Truths

1. I may have lost some of my motivation for swimming and cycling lately. However, I’m in love with running again. 2. Lifting weights has really helped my IT band. And I hate lifting weights. 3. I saw Weezer on Friday night and when they said their “blah...
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Now that the election hubbub is finally over we can all go back to what’s truly important in our day-to-day lives. And we can finally watch TV free of political ads and full of ads on feminine hygiene products. Hooray tampons! Yay wings! Hallelujah...