I’m racing?

I’m racing?

I don’t know if I mentioned this (or if you bother to look at my upcoming events list) but I have a race this weekend. A sprint triathlon to be exact. In my injury induced haze I had transferred an earlier tri entry to this one. It’s cool because this is...
Another busy weekend

Another busy weekend

As the title of this post indicates I had another busy weekend. I’m happy to report that my six mile long went well. I wasn’t thrilled with the pace, but again, it’s not about the pace right now. I must keep reminding myself this. Silly runner. ...
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

On this, my 2nd real week of training for Augusta, I’m finding that I’m super thankful for caffeine. I am not sure how I will ever train for a full IM because I currently feel like I work out more than I sleep. I know this isn’t the case and...
I get it now Dad

I get it now Dad

Today is my dad’s birthday. He would have been 62. As I sat and I thought about him this morning with my coffee in a Ducati mug he used to keep on his desk I thought about all of things I wanted to share with him. I often think about him after I complete races...
Tri Blog

Tri Blog

So since I’m currently in heavy tri training mode for that little 70.3 race I’ve got coming up I have to go ahead and throw it out there that this is currently a tri blog. I still love the marathon and running and will turn my focus to that again in the...

Thankful Thursday

It’s amazing how two little runs can make me so very happy. And remind me that Thankful Thursday has been in the shitter lately. I haven’t really had my heart in it, you know? For that I apologize. Since I wanted this week’s to be better, I started...