A learning weekend

Happy happy happy Monday peeps! I had to say happy three times because, quite frankly, I’m just happy. I don’t know what has been going on lately but I’m just feeling good. Even with my wonky knee, I’m laughing and smiling a lot.I did a lot of...
Luck O’ the Irish…Or not…

Luck O’ the Irish…Or not…

Happy (early) St. Patrick’s Day! I’m feeling the luck o’ the Irish in many ways and wondering where my luck has gone in another. Heh.As I had previously suspected would happen while I was signing up for entirely too many running races, my running...
Thankful Thursday: Special Interview Edition

Thankful Thursday: Special Interview Edition

A little while ago I was introduced to Meredith Kessler, Professional Triathlete, through my buddy and CEO of Arctic Ease, Carol. (How’s that for some name dropping? Heh.) I did an interview with Meredith for the Arctic Ease blog and from the moment she started...
She flies through the air….

She flies through the air….

A co-worker of mine practices yoga regularly and stumbled upon this class (Flying Asana/Swing Yoga) in Downtown Tampa. Knowing that I’m a sucker for an interesting workout, she asked me to join her. I in turn asked P-Funk and Kiki to come with us. The more the...

Lessons from a brick

Tuesday is upon us and I wanted to get this post up quicker, but Monday and all it’s work-filled glory got in my way. Lame.This weekend was a big training weekend for me and even though I’m still sore and ouchie from it, I know it was worth it for the...

Thankful Thursday

I’m in such a great mood today that I feel a list is in order to adequately express my gratitude of all things “Thankful Thursday.” Let’s begin, shall we?Today I’m thankful for:1. Master’s swim. Today was my first ever...