Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Since I’m totally cracked out running right now I figured I’d let you all in on some running paraphernalia that I’m currently loving, liking, and/or rocking. The Detroit expo had a lot of stuff to peruse so I’m happy I found a few new things to...
Detroit Half Marathon Race Report

Detroit Half Marathon Race Report

I am finally getting to this post cause the day back after a travelling race is always crazy. While this post is titled a “race report” I didn’t really, truly “race.” I must admit that I got a bit swept up in the atmosphere of the race at...

Thankful Thursday

I’m leavin’ on a jet plane….And I’ll certainly be back again but I’m so so so so thankful for this trip to Detroit. I’m heading out this afternoon and can’t wait! And since I love a list here are the reasons why:1. I get to...
Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

(Were there an actual zombie invasion, I’d be in trouble because I certainly didn’t get him in the head. But, if this were a home invader, I’d be good to go.)
Day in the Life

Day in the Life

Everyone’s favorite pooping blogger decided to open up the “Day in the Life” post to other bloggers to join in. Since my life is so exciting, I decided to play along. Ok, fine I decided to play along since sometimes it’s difficult to come up...

We’ve got a secret

Those of us who compete in running races and triathlons have a secret. We know something that a lot of people don’t. We know how to endure. Our sport even has that word in it – endurance.Some people will say that we are crazy or addicts or that we...