Vacation all I ever wanted

Happy Monday doods! I had a pretty swell weekend which leads me into an even better week ahead. I’ve got a vacation planned this week with Big Sis and I CANNOT wait. We’re heading to Asheville, NC. Thus far we have plans to get massages, tour the Biltmore...

Missing the run

I got my x-ray results FINALLY. And they are good. I’m clear for take off. Yes I know that x-ray’s don’t often detect those nasty things-that-shall-not-be-named but it does give me some piece of mind. I’m also relieved because after having...

Thankful Thursday

There are some days that I just wake up and want some. All day long I think about it. There are days that I fight wanting it because I can’t have it right then and there. I know most, if not all of you think about it too. And women think about it far more than...

High Anxiety

You all know that I have bike issues. It seems that the less I ride, the less I want to ride and the more my anxiety increases when I do eventually decide to ride. As I said, I have issues. I know it may seem silly to those of you who do a million miles before...
Monday Mash-Up

Monday Mash-Up

In today’s Monday Mash-Up we find our heroine, B.o.B., re-evaluating her upcoming race goals and reviewing her long weekend of awesomeness. Let’s join her now….. For those of you on the facebook page, which you can find HERE, you already know that...

Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful for Red, she always listens to me and gives me her honest opinion and has shown me a new perspective on how to deal with an injury with grace and humor.I’m thankful for my family who I know I can depend on in any and every situation.I’m...