by Beth Shaw | Apr 23, 2018 | d.r. blog
Oh, hi there. I’ve been absent for a minute. I know. I’m a lying liar who doesn’t keep resolutions. I didn’t stick to my posting weekly, but we already knew that was happening back in February. Good to say that resolution is dead in the water....
by Beth Shaw | Feb 16, 2018 | d.r. blog
I think I swim maybe one meet a year and I always have so much fun that I always want to do more. Swim meets are super low key. I never feel that pre race nervous insanity that has been known to muck me up before other race types. They tend to start at the late, late...
by Beth Shaw | Feb 9, 2018 | d.r. blog
I’m not sure if you all know this, but I hate the 10K distance. I never run it, and when I do, I’m reminded of how completely stupid it is. Don’t argue with me. It’s dumb. It’s basically a 5K that’s extended. You get to redline and...
by Beth Shaw | Jan 29, 2018 | d.r. blog
My original A race for the year is in the books! I registered for the Celebration Half Marathon a while ago and was counting it as an A race for 2018. This was before I knew I would be running Chicago, but I’ve got time to make that an A race too. Last weekend...
by Beth Shaw | Jan 22, 2018 | d.r. blog
Like any good resolutionist, I have failed on my first goal of 2018. I wanted to post here once per week, but I totally missed last week. Go me! #SoStrong On the plus side, I’ve stuck to my other goals and while I did mention race goals in my year end wrap up I...
by Beth Shaw | Jan 11, 2018 | d.r. blog
It’s the second week of January and I’m on track with my goal of one post per week. Ha! Let’s see if I can make this last. Last Saturday I ran my second 25K ever. In. Da. Woods. I ran this race last year but I ran with a friend who was coming off of...
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