Dash N Splash Race Report

Dash N Splash Race Report

Holy busy week Batman! I cannot believe it’s already the day of humping and I have not yet written a post. I’m a bad, bad blogger. I am sorry that your lives were put on hold until I got here. Ha. Ha. As I mentioned on Friday I did an itty bitty race on...


Hi peeps! Quick Friday announcements via a sweet list. 1. I think you are all winners but of course not all of you could win. Thus, two winners were selected by the randomizer for that give away o’ mine, hosted by the awesome Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and...
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

It’s Thursday already? Man, I love a short week. I have so much to be thankful for right now but I’ve gotta keep it short since I didn’t have time to write this last night. I figure a little list will do, no?   Today I’m thankful for:...
My first century ride

My first century ride

As a typical runner/triathlete I sometimes find it hard to pat myself on the back without a small dose of “you could have gone harder” or “maybe you should have gone faster.” However, in regards to this weekend’s 104 (or 106...

100 miles?

The long weekend is upon us! I am not sure if anyone noticed but a little hundred mile ride snuck onto my upcoming events section. And guess what? It’s on Sunday. Yipes! I may have lost my damn mind ya’ll. I’m not even kidding. I don’t need to...
Thankful Thursday: A Do-Good Giveaway!

Thankful Thursday: A Do-Good Giveaway!

A few weeks ago after finishing a tough ride on a hot Sunday, my friends and I came upon a group of do-gooders handing out cold, bottled waters to cyclists finishing up on the trail. As it turns out they were there promoting their upcoming event for charity. Since...