Weekend of Red

Weekend of Red

Happy Tuesday friends! I’m just now getting around to a post because this weekend went by so fast and was so busy that I needed a full day to recover and get my life back in order. As I mentioned last week, the Redhead came to Florida for her bachelorette party...

Thankful Thursday

It’s already Thursday and I couldn’t be more excited for the weekend! A certain amazing lovely little Redhead is coming to visit and it’s her Florida friends bachelorette party! Of course, before the party festivities we’re going to run...
Strawberries and friends

Strawberries and friends

After Sunday’s murderous bike ride I was happy to head over to Plant City, for the Tampa Bay Lady Bloggers (TBLB) meet up. I had heard there were going to be strawberry milkshakes and I definitely needed a little pick me up. I have a non-blogger friend who...
Crying in cycling

Crying in cycling

Last week was a total bust in terms of cycling. All of my good intentions to ride just kept coming up short. I can blame rain and lightning and work and all of those other typical excuses but when it comes down to it, I just didn’t feel like riding my bike. I...

Thankful Thursday

I’ve been feeling a little out of sorts lately with regards to training. Physically, my training has been going well but mentally I’ve been running circles around in my head. I’ve been thinking very existentially about racing. Why am I doing...
Traincation all I ever wanted…

Traincation all I ever wanted…

As you all know I was super stoked going into the weekend for BAMF Training Camp 2012 (AKA Traincation). Official water bottle of BAMF Training Camp 2012 My two favorite gals from Geogria, Summer & Karen, were heading down to hang out at the beach with me & my...